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Check out my 5-day writing workshop in June! I’m offering a $50 off coupon for anyone who wants to take this Workshop. Visit my workshop here: and upon check out, enter the code: WRITE.E.E. King
Poetry Bootcamp Instructor – Thursday, June 28 (that imagery can really kick your ass!)
“Tweet Your Poems” – Using Social Media to Broadcast Your Poems Across the Planet
Fiction writer (Dirk Quigby’s Guide to the Afterlife, Real Conversations with Imaginary Friends) Improvisation teacher, Comedian, Biologist and Artist E.E King will teach you how to look for the extra in the ordinary using improvisation techniques. She will help you distill the unique into tweetable poems to draw readers to you.
Learn to:
Grow poems from the seed of an idea
Interweave them into other genres of writing
Fashion verse from facts
Distill imagery into a few green ideas that you can tweet -drawing viewers to your visions
WHAT: Poetry BootCamp + Activities, Events, Lectures & Meals
WHEN: June 25-29
COST: $499
BIO: E.E. King’s has published many short stories. Ray Bradbury calls her tales “marvelously inventive, wildly funny and deeply thought provoking. I can not recommend them highly enough.”
Her first novel, Dirk Quigby’s Guide to the Afterlife, came out 2010, released in Spanish in 2/2012.
The New Short Fiction Series, Los Angeles’ longest running spoken word series, launched her anthology, Real Conversations With Imaginary Friends, 1/2012. Sponsor, Barnes & Noble.
All her books as well as her children’s book The Adventures of Emily Finfeather or The Feathernail and Other Gifts are currently available on audible.
E.E. King is the recipient of various international writing, biology and painting grants. Her murals can be seen in Downtown Los Angeles and Spain.
She’s worked with children in Bosnia, crocodiles in Mexico, frogs in Puerto Rico, egrets in Bali, mushrooms in Montana and archaeologists in Spain. She is currently planting butterfly gardens with children in South Central Los Angeles. The butterflies wish she had chosen a different location.
— E.E. King Elizabeth Eve King (310) 365-7433