Explore the world of E.E. King
“Her writing is marvelously inventive, wildly funny, and deeply thought-provoking.” - Ray Bradbury

"Impish and delightful,
a hilarious Zagat's guide to heaven!”
“A fantastical, profound, hilarious and rollicking good ride through the heavens and hells of the
Afterlife! A wonderful book.”
“I’ve been going at it in chunks and fangfuls, finding it more than acceptable. Anyone who takes on Scientologists is okay by me, kid.”
San Francisco Weekly
A mock Zagat guide to the lord’s domain, Dirk Quigby’s Guide to the Afterlife is a sly and satirical glimpse into what would happen if a Madison Avenue mad man gave heaven a PR makeover…
As the book develops, the titular ad man finds that his succinct reviews of the world’s religions inflame believers of all faiths It’s a risk the real-life author is also taking.
Considering her vocal support for scientific research and rational thought, and her role as an adviser for a number of science advocacy organizations, she probably doesn’t mind a bit of religious controversy All the better for us nonbelieving heathens: as King demonstrates, the devil also has the best jokes.

THE ADVENTURES OF EMILY FINFEATHER (The Feathernail and Other Gifts)
"A feather not just for the birds! A magical, humorous tale of good, evil, vengeance, and forgiveness, The Feathernail is a delight for children and adults alike!" --- Ray Bradbury
“Introduces new vocabulary wonderfully through the use of footnotes and definitions laced throughout the story…
Each chapter provides a sequence of action that is easy for the young reader to follow.”
David Rosman

Story Collections
“These tales are marvelously inventive, wildly funny and deeply thought-provoking. I cannot recommend them highly enough.” - Ray Bradbury
"'Another Happy Ending”' is a collection of thoughtful short fiction from E. E. King as she offers humor and thought about life’s dreams and what we hold so dear to us all... 'Another Happy Ending' is an excellent short fiction collection, very much recommended."
- Michale Carson, MidWest Book Review
"James Joyce Would’ve Loved This 'Another Happy Ending' is deliciously funny and heart-wrenching." –
Heidi Dvorak, LA Weekly
”Deliciously funny and heart-wrenching ..”
— LA Weekly on Real Conversations with Imaginary Friends
“E.E. King is a unique talent whose glittering gems of fiction pack a lot into a small space. Her work combines the O. Henry twist with the poetry and mystery of Ray Bradbury.” - Connie Martinsen Talks Books
E. E. King offers a unique perspective on life, love and sometimes the meaning of the universe... This exuberant collection of short fiction is sometimes funny, occasionally tragic, often poetic and always entertaining. From an alcoholic GPS to the brutal reality of death in the Galapagos, these tales will have you up all night!
Midwest Book Review.
E.E.King Anthologies
I love writing short stories, and have been lucky enough to have been in many fine anthologies.
I’m also in a lot of fabulous on-line publications which aren't listed here.
You can see a few in my free read page.