I drove down to LA for the dedication of the Palms — Rancho Park Branch Library in honor of Ray Bradbury
Harlan Ellison was there looking natty in black suit and bright orange tie, shoes and a very cool watch black with multi colored spokes.
You can’t see his watch – but trust me it’s cool.
George Clayton Johnson was there too, charming as always and ( as always) looking like Gandalf’s disreputable cousin.
They discussed Ray and awe (I was never in awe of Ray having grown up with him….and I tend not to be easily awe-struck – but I am a tad reverent of Harlan Ellison) and God and stories.
I told Harlan he should read my book, “Dirk Quigby’s Guide to the Afterlife” as it was right up his alley, He replied
“How do you know my alley Bitch?”
Later He asked if he could have the book – and said ”Anyone who takes on Scientologists is okay by me. – I’ll read it kid.”
He’s the literary Lewis black… or rather Lewis Black is the night club version of Harlan Ellison.
It was a wonderful event –Ray would have loved it!
And if there is a heaven – Ray is looking down and laughing
If there is no afterlife he’s probably still looking down laughing… nothing could stop Ray.
Extra news….
I will be speaking at Loscon 40 around Thanksgiving!
On the Ardent Atheist podcast tomorrow
On kryptonite radio (sometime:)
In LA for a reading and launch party for my new Collection of Short Fiction “Another Happy Ending,” @ Ray Bradbury’s favorite Bookstore Mystery and Imagination Bookstore
October 20th @ 2:00 -3:00pm
238 N. Brand Blvd. Glendale, CA 91203 818-545-0206
Performing bits from my first novel,
“Dirk Quigby’s Guide to the Afterlife, all you need to know to choose the right heaven.”
(in costume)
October 30th @ 7:30-8:30
@Echo Park in “Stories