Letter from Harlan Ellison –


Evie–as I gather from your site, those who do not incur your displeasure are permitted to call you–it was a sheer JacksonPollockLike panorama of delight to meet you at the Bradbury Library Press-Gang auto-da-fe last Monday. You omitted the comma before the word “bitch.” I dropped a small gardyloo in a post on my own website (harlanellison.com) about having met the charming E.E. King of Utah, and that she was doing a reading of her new book. As for the Dirk Quigley, I’ve been going at it in chunks and fangfuls, finding it more than acceptable. It was a treat to meet you, and I hope I wasn’t so charming that I spoiled you for all the rest of the sycophants who pucker more readily than shy, humble I.

Yr. Pal, Harlan

He sure knows how to make a bitch breathless!upHarlen  Ellisen