My father, who was a writer started a writer’s group that counted, among others, Ray Bradbury in its members. So, having gotten a taste for that sort of gathering, I thought I would try to start my own.
It is not quite what I desire because I wanted to have it in my house, as daddy did, but alas, it wasn’t to be.
One of our illustrious members,
- Charles Christian – Ex-barrister , best-selling non-fiction author, publisher at, Urban Fantasist Radio and occasional carnivorous gardener.
Lives in England.
Charle’s house
- Devorah Cutler-Rubenstein – President at The Script Broker – a division of Noble House Entertainment Inc., & Adj. Professor at USC School of Cinematic Arts, and all-around sweetie
Live in LA
- Jenny Brundage, of Thermophile Productions, writer, producer, director, and actor, dreamer of dreams and cat lover
Lives in Phoenix
OOPS! Wrong Phoenix
- Richard Weaver, medical illustrator, and general science geek
Lives in extremely rural Colorado
That’s Richard Lives in LA
and I, E. E. King, (Elizabeth Eve) their illustrious leader
live in open-minded, artistic, soulful Utah.
The Hills are alive with the sound of Mormons
That’s me
They called me, illustrious leader- I’m only quoting! Some have greatness thrust upon them, and never often enough.
Given our disparate locals, gathering and discussing our new works over fine red wine and Manchego just wasen’t possible.
So, instead we play games –
We were writing a novel together – trading chapters – it was fun.
We had glamorous, exotic seductress’, murderous albino midgets, and pineapples,
hence the name of our gang- The Albino Pineapples
But to edit the book into something saleable is more work than we desire – at least it’s more work than I desire and no one else has come forward with an offer.
We haven’t written for a while now, but for a time we were writing group poems,
I would think of a word, season, emotion etc.,..then everyone donated a line or more, and I’d arrange them into a poem- It’s fun – I think we do really good work together.
Occasionally I’d send them out -We even got an honorable mention in Geminimagazine ‘s poetry contest.
But today, much to my delight I received this email.
“Dear Elizabeth,
I am attaching a contract so that we may publish your poems.
Thank you
They want to put Eight of our poems in
Till Death An Anti-Valentines Anthology Of Poetry.
How cool is that?
In addition, I have two new books out – that are now in audio production
and two novels, Electric Detective & Blood Prism,
coming out fairly soon
Click of the blue words for links.
And don’t forget to buy books, preferably mine.