Giveaway Madness

With the release of FIVE new books, it’s giveaway madness time- 

Believe it or not, it costs money – and more all the time  -for publishers and writers to give away their books in hopes of spreading the word about how fabulous they are… So please, SPREAD THE WORD!

Congratulations to David, Jason T. and Robert D. who won Free copies of Pandora’s Card Game in an  Amazon Giveawayuuse card

Congratulations  to Owen Phillips who won a free copy of
The Truth of Fiction
by E.E. King (Goodreads Author)

Release date: Dec 20, 2017
Meryl, Josh, and Jessie go for a picnic in the Forest of Ideas, which is where artists go for inspiration, philosophers seek for truth and writers go to find new stories. They had come to the woods to capture The White Hind. Hinds are usually red, but this deer was white, lacking the pigment of lies and it was rumored to contain THE TRUTH in its antlers and hooves. As they search for THE TRUTH, they discover old stories made new, truths about themselves, and the meaning of friendship.


Get Ready to WIN 1 of 100 copies of my two latest releases


  • ED
    Electric Detective (Eddie Evers Electric Detective, #1)
    by E.E. King (Goodreads Author)

    Release date: Jan 19, 2018
    Enter for a chance to win 1 of 100 copies of Electric Detective – Book I in the Eddie Evers mystery series.

    Humphrey Bogart meets The Man in the High Castle.
    Raymond Chandler meets Philip K. Dick…

    Eddie Evers was at the top of his game, working for the FBI, tracking missing children, and the scum who took them. But after his wife and child are killed in a car crash, he becomes a hard-drinking PI.
    While in pursuit of a phantom criminal, he’s hit by lightning, opening doors into other dimensions.

    Availability:100 copies available,

    Giveaway dates:Jan 24 – Mar 03, 2018

    I’m also giving away 1 copy of Electric Detective on Amazon – click the link to enter

    Enter for a chance to win!
    Electric Detective: An Eddie Evers Mystery (Eddie Evers Electric Detective Book 1) (Kindle Edition)

    $4.99Retail Value    – for those of you bad at math that’s 101 chances to win!
    Average rating: 5 stars

    and  I’m giving away 100 copies of 

    Blood Prism
    by E.E. King (Goodreads Author)

    Release date: Jan 18, 2018
    Enter to win one of 100 copies of Blood Prism.
    It’s Penny Dreadful meets American Gods.
    A literary, romantic, fantasy, horror, thriller,
    Blood Prism creates an alternate San Francisco, inhabited by Greek gods, ghosts, vampires and gold rush madams. Spanning time and place, the story deals with AIDS, Native American tribes, robber barons, and the unsavory mating habits of orchids.

    Ray Bradbury said:
    “King is marvelously inventive, wildly funny and deeply thought-provoking. I cannot recommend her highly enough.”

    King is the author of best-seller, “Dirk Quigby’s Guide to the Afterlife

    Opens for entries on January 31, 2018

    Format:Kindle book

    Availability:100 copies available

    Giveaway dates:Jan 31 – Feb 28, 2018