Because I have been seeing more and more posts from people caught in an Amazon Algorithm loop I have decided to share this:

Because I have been seeing more and more posts from people caught in an Amazon Algorithm loop I have decided to share this:

After I was unjustly removed from selling I did the following:




Call KDP and Amazon

Call KDP & Amazon names

Email them

Call againimages

Insult their relatives

Throw thingsct

Do research

jeff holocost

Post nasty pictures

Post funny pictures


Figure out what might have gotten me tagged as manipulating reviews.

Deciding that having the same seven people review my books, though I had other reviews for older books, might have caused an algorithm to have tagged me a manipulator.

Try to find a person to talk toimages

Try to explain that fans of my work would probably follow and review all of it.

Throw thingsdownload






Write all fans who reviewed more than one of my books and ask them to remove their reviews.

Write Jeff Bezos, God and some other high echelon folk

Get reinstated with the warning I will be “closely watched.”fu

Then get the following:





Dear Elizabeth,

My name is Martin Costa with KDP Executive Customer Relations. Jeff Bezos received your letter and I’m responding on his behalf. First and foremost, I’d like to offer my apologies for the frustration this process caused. Also, I’m happy to let you know that your account has been reinstated and you’re welcome to continue to publish with us. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at ecr-kdp@amazon.com.

Martin Costa
Executive Customer Relations
Kindle Direct Publishing


Dear Martin,

As noted in my letter to Mr. Bezos, I’m an author who had begun publishing exclusively with Amazon. At the Beginning of February my account was canceled, and though I tried to contact KDP customer relations many times, often for hours at a time, I got nowhere.
After a lot of research, I decided to contact every one of my fans who had favorably reviewed more than one of my books and ask them to remove their reviews.
This was done. My account was reinstated.
However, neither they nor I, am happy with this solution.

A couple of these readers, longtime fans, and supporters of my work requested that they be contacted. They did not write false reviews and were upset and insulted by that insinuation. I too am upset that genuine reviews for my books, about seven per book, were deleted.

Therefore I am writing you to ask if I can have those fans, the ones that aren’t too angry at me as well as Amazon, to repost their reviews.
When I was reinstated I was told that my account would be subjected to “extreme scrutiny,” as if I were a villain.
As a result, I have planned to no longer publish exclusively with Amazon and encourage readers to buy from other outlets.
However, if you would allow my totally genuine reviews to be reposted, which would require some actual intervention, I’d be most grateful.

These reviews are from fans who have requested that Amazon contact them so they can verify that they are real people who love my work. I have never solicited or manipulated reviews.Elizabeth Eve King