The Hamthology


My story The Ham & Cheddar Coast is in The Hamthology!
The Hamthology is a  Hamcentric anthology – 
I’m a vegetarian, and I originally wrote the tale as The Cheddar Coast for Sally Short’s fabulous New Short Fiction series all about summer and sand.

My piece.  The Cheddar Coast was about how a sandwich can take over your kitchen and change your life.Image
When I saw the notice for the Hamthology I thought,  what a fun idea. It made me smile. It made me laugh. I told my friends and they laughed too,  anything that does that is a good thing.
So, quick as a fast food chef, I added a slice of ham to my sandwich and submit it. (The cheddar version was never in print, so no one will get a Hamthology and feel cheated.)
If you think it’s a fun idea too, please share the sandwich!
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