Ancient Egyptian

“closed Heaven”— still possible to gain entry. Need someone to mummify you and a personalized copy of the Book of the Dead. You have three souls.

The Ka, an exact replica of you, If your body is not correctly mummified, the Ka can live inside a picture of the body on the wall of the tomb, but it’s not much of a life.  It is particularly fond of frappuccinos.

The second soul is the Ba, referred to by apostates as the Bahumbug. It represents your individuality.  lives in the tomb but can come and go and take on any form it wants to.

 The third is the immortal Akh, which journeys through the underworld.

You begin your journey by crossing a wide river, which is guarded by monsters. The trip culminates in the “Hall of Two Truths.” Here you must answer accusations concerning forty-two crimes. Unfortunately, this is not multiple-choice, although it is open-book of the dead.

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