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I’m in the Fifth book in Now Write! series published by Tarcher/Penguin,(with Piers Anthony, Ramsey Campbell, William Nolan, Ursula K. LeGuin, Larry Niven, Jack Ketchum and Harlan Ellison.)


I’m in the Fifth book in Now Write! series published by Tarcher/Penguin,(with Piers Anthony, Ramsey Campbell, William Nolan, Ursula K. LeGuin, Larry Niven, Jack Ketchum and Harlan Ellison.)

  I have been…

    I have been and will be a speaker and teacher at the Ojai Writer’s workshop and The San Miguel Writer’s Conference, performing  “literary stand-up.” My newest novel, “The Card Game” is being serialized  at www.IsotropicFiction.com and will be…

Ray we love you!

Ray Bradbury died last night Just yesterday he’d been taken off the ventilator at noon.  The  doctors said it would be a few hours before he could speak so that we could understand him, but 10 minutes off the damned thing…