Blood Prism is now available on audible –
actually, almost all my books are.
And all done by amazing narrators…
They all give fabulous readings and I am so fortunate to have had their talents put to work enhancing my fiction.
But, having said that- I have never fallen so in love with a reading as with that of Emily Emerson’s performance of Blood Prism.
She made the odd, twisted world of sinister orchids,
old Gods, Indian legends, and an ill-timed timeless love so alive and real, I forgot it was my own creation!
If you listen to just one of my books, I hope you will try this one.
I love it.
Thank you, Emily!
Excerpts from Blood Prism:
“Neil feels protected in the redwoods’ shadow. They are love without argument, relationship without compromise. They climb up toward heaven reaching the stars, straight and unafraid. Under their boughs, he is part of the earth. He likes the constant evening, feeling most comfortable at the vespertine hour when dawn kisses night. He loves the rich damp moss, the mushrooms lurking in shadows, stained with lurid colors, a warning to hungry mouths that they might be deadly.”
“But my undoing was not in missing the beauty of a blossom…it was that I wanted beauty and perfection in everything — permanently. I should have realized that nothing, not even eternity, lasts forever. I wish I’d known that happiness is seeing the water lily you’ve been watching for a week blossom, even though it lasts only a day.”
With such beauty all around, it is easy to believe that the future will be bright. Surely under such skies, only happiness will come.
Young lovers pause beneath the gold and purple arch as if under mistletoe. Teenagers ditching school look at the tarot cards certain that they predict wealth and success. It is clear that they are headed in the right direction; all they need to do is to follow their hearts, even the dust on the windows glisten like stardust and hope. Old ladies, backs bent, hobbling along the twisted streets feel expectation, as if various outcomes might be possible, as if all roads did not lead to the same end.
Discovered your blog via my Wilma Shore fandom…good luck!