BOOKS, Birds, Cats & Crows

I’ve just had a couple of linked short story collections come out (these are stories linked by a connecting tale- a la The Illustrated Man.)
In fact, when I told Ray Bradbury, my mentor, “Ray, I’m stealing your idea. He said, “Great! Go out and steal some more!”
The first of these is, “Pandora’s Card Game,” A game between Chance, Luck Destiny, and Chance where every card tells a tale.

I’m thrilled to say it’s already gotten GREAT reviews! Thanks, Mom & Dad!

The second is, “The Truth of Fiction,” three friends go on a quest for THE TRUTH in a magical wood, where stories literally grow on trees. And, if shorts aren’t your thing,

(It’s also gotten great reviews.)
I’ve also just released two novels, “Electric Detective” is a Science-fiction mystery – a hard-drinking PI is hit by lighting enabling him to see into other dimensions – I really think you will like it.IMG_2402 2
The second is “Blood Prism”, Penny Dreadful meets American Gods- a literary, slightly gothic dark fantasy.
I also have a funny children’s series out – “The Adventure’s of Emily Finfeather.”

One thing all my books, including my first novel, best seller. Dirk Quigby’s Guide to the Afterlife, have in common?mag and b

All my heroes and heroines have cats, usually but not always black, always magic,  and in one case a crow.

Why? Because my cats anIMG_2325.jpgd sometimes magpies or starlings

cc are my co-authors.

That’s why the animals in my tales are so lifelike – and also so savant.

They’re always the heros and always rescue their “owners.”

Without them the protagonist would die, though they’d never have to clean poop off a keyboard, which does have a certain appeal.

My co authors object


to the word owners- they prefer “slaves.” It’s so much more accurate

So buy these books and keep us in tuna and worms!                 IMG_2350.jpg

Write a bestseller or we’ll phoop on your computer, actually, we’ll poop on it regardless .”   No Cats or Birds were harmed in the making of this Blog. A keyboard did receive a lot of unwelcome attention however. IMG_2425.JPGIMG_2426.JPG

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