harlan ellison and me upsidedown

harlan ellison and me upsidedown

I accost Harlan Ellison at The Rancho Palmas

He- in an effort to promote healthy exersice curses my photos so that are forever upside down to encourge head stands

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  1. Evvie–as I gather from your site, those who do not incur your displeasure are permitted to call you–it was a sheer JacksonPollockLike panorama of delight to meet you at the Bradbury Library Press-Gang auto-da-fe last Monday. You omitted the comma before the word “bitch.” I dropped a small gardyloo in a post on my own website (harlanellison.com) about having met the charming E.E. King of Utah, and that she was doing a reading of her new book. As for the Dirk Quigley, I’ve been going at it in chunks and fangfuls, finding it more than acceptable. It was a treat to meet you, and I hope I wasn’t so charming that I spoiled you for all the rest of the sycophants who pucker more readily than shy, humble I.

    Yr. Pal, Harlan

    • Dear Harlan,
      I was sans internet I was sans internet and therefore forced to try to reply via text. Alas either the keyboard is too small or my fingers too large –and it may be that I sent you many replies – or none.
      If none- let me assure you that they were witty beyond belief, if many disregard previous remark.
      Honestly –actually the reason – I drove down from UT was in the hopes of accosting you… I’m a lifelong fan.
      Thank you so much for posting and reading by fangfuls.
      My next book is a collection of shorts. I had a review that said… I was ‘a gentler kinder Harlan Ellison.’
      Is that like Harlan lite? There’s also a novella about a card game between Fate, Chance, Destiny and Fate where each card tells a story – I stole from Ray’s concept of The Illustrated Man to tie stories into a longer (more saleable?) piece. The more saleable didn’t work.
      I’ll be in LA for a reading and launch party for my new Collection “Another Happy Ending,” @ Ray’s favorite Mystery and Imagination October 20th @ 2:00 -3:00 pm
      Also I’m performing bits from my first novel, “Dirk Quigby’s Guide to the Afterlife.”
      In full devil costume October 30th @ 7:30-8:30 @Echo Park in “Stories Book and Café.” 1716 West Sunset Blvd • Los Angeles • CA [213] 413-3733
      If you can come to either I’d be … speechless – a really rotten thing to happen before a reading, but please don’t let that dissuade you.
      I hope that we continue our friendship!
      I am a fan
      Yur bitch-
      PS your version of looking ‘worried that you had gone too far’ wasn’t awfully convincing.

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