@Addison, Campbell, Flores, Goyan, King & Wong.

I have a poetry group of 5 women- now 6–(we just inducted Tara Campbell into our sect- and a very fine addition she is)

I give a prompt and they send me lines which I weave together- and we just sold our first poem!

“Black Unicorn” to Star*Line.

We are @Addison, Flores, Goyan, King & Wong lawyers for the criminally poetic.

We will prosecute your Word crimes.

We are ambulance chasers of the soul.

No upfront fees

Contingency only until we get ahold of your trust –

And your trust account.

But the law is the word, or verse a visa with @Addison, Flores, Goyan, King & Wong.


how do we divide the spoils?

The payment question (insert evil laugh and manic hand rubbing here )

AHA this whole idea was simply a plot to get rich off of the words of Addison, Campbell, Flores, Goyan, King & Wong. (and with ideas like these you will understand why I’m broke.)

It’s 4 cents a word.

I’ll let Linda D Addison do the math- She has a BA in Carnegie- fucking – Mellon in MATH! – If that’s not intimidation I don’t know what is

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