RE Posted from PMMP


Posted by  in Contests on Mar 4, 2013

Write a Kilgore Trout Novel Excerpt, Win a Free Book

If you are a fan of Kurt Vonnegut, then you already know who Kilgore Trout is. To those without a clue, Kilgore Trout was a character frequently used in Vonnegut’s works; a fictional science fiction author who basically served as Vonnegut’s alter ego, much in the same way as Chinaski was Bukowski, only with that trademark Kurt creativity. Throughout the years, Vonnegut mentioned many, many books that Trout was the author of. Scroll below for a complete list.

But first, the contest:

We are giving away three copies of the So it Goes tribute anthology (one hard copy, two digital) to whoever can come up with the best (or worse) Kilgore Trout novel excerpt [credit goes to Joseph McKinley for the contest idea].

You must mention the title of the work in question, and the fictional chapter/page number. Extra kudos if you title the chapter, too. This can be anywhere from 100 to 2,000 words long. Submit to with the subject line reading TROUT EXCERPT_LAST NAME.

You must have your entry in by March 25th.

And now, here is Mr. Trout’s most exceptional bibliography:


  • Barring-gaffner of Bagnialto or This Year’s Masterpiece (novel mentioned in Breakfast of Champions)
  • The Big Board (novel mentioned in Slaughterhouse-Five)
  • The Era of Hopeful Monsters (novel mentioned in Galápagos)
  • First District Court of Thankyou (novel mentioned in Jailbird and God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater)
  • The Gospel from Outer Space (novel mentioned in Slaughterhouse-Five)
  • The Gutless Wonder (novel mentioned in Slaughterhouse-Five)
  • How You Doin’? (novel mentioned in Breakfast of Champions)
  • Maniacs in the Fourth Dimension (novel mentioned in Slaughterhouse-Five)
  • The Money Tree (novel mentioned in Slaughterhouse-Five)
  • Now It Can Be Told (novel mentioned in Breakfast of Champions)
  • Oh Say Can You Smell? (novel mentioned in God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater)
  • The Pan-Galactic Memory Bank (novel mentioned in Breakfast of Champions)
  • The Pan-Galactic Straw Boss a.k.a. Mouth Crazy (novel mentioned in Breakfast of Champions)
  • The Pan-Galactic Three-Day Pass (novel mentioned in God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater)
  • Plague on Wheels (novel mentioned in Breakfast of Champions)
  • The Smart Bunny (novel mentioned in Breakfast of Champions)
  • The Son of Jimmy Valentine (novel mentioned in Breakfast of Champions)
  • 2BR02B (novel mentioned in God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater)
  • Venus on the Half-Shell (novel first mentioned in God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater)

Short stories

  • Albert Hardy (short story mentioned in Timequake)
  • An American Family Marooned on the Planet Pluto (short story mentioned in Timequake)
  • Asleep at the Switch (short story mentioned in Jailbird)
  • Bunker Bingo Party (short story mentioned in Timequake)
  • The Dancing Fool (short story mentioned in Breakfast of Champions)
  • Dog’s Breakfast (short story mentioned in Timequake)
  • Dr. Schadenfreude (short story mentioned in Timequake)
  • Empire State (short story mentioned in Timequake)
  • Gilgongo! (short story mentioned in Breakfast of Champions)
  • Golden Wedding (short story mentioned in Timequake)
  • Hail to the Chief (short story mentioned in Breakfast of Champions)
  • No Laughing Matter (short story mentioned in Timequake)
  • The Planet Gobblers (short story mentioned in Palm Sunday)
  • The Protocols of the Elders of Tralfamadore (short story mentioned in Hocus Pocus – no author attributed, but bears many elements characteristic of Trout’s work. Tralfamadore is mentioned by Eliot Rosewater in God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater. Tralfamadore is also a main element of the plots of The Sirens of Titan and Slaughterhouse-Five)
  • The Sisters B-36 (short story mentioned in Timequake)
  • This Means You (short story mentioned in Breakfast of Champions)


  • My Ten Years On Automatic Pilot (nonfiction book mentioned in Timequake)


  • The Wrinkled Old Family Retainer (play mentioned in Timequake)

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