So it Goes Is ready to Preorder

Kurt Vonnegut was a man who pushed his imagination off a cliff and followed it for the whole drop; a man who was able to write the most cynical material, yet make you die of laughter at the same time. We have been enjoying his brilliance for over 50 years now, and it’s time we showed how he’s affected us.




So it Goes is a tribute anthology to the best satirist of our time. The stories you will find in this book will fill you with Vonnegut nostalgia. This is for him and for his readers. This will be released at the end of March, but feel free to pre-order it now.

Also on this website you will find personal essays written by some of our authors, located in the “Essays” section up above. If you would like to write something about Mr. Vonnegut and have us host it on the blog, feel free to submit something to

Also on the website, expect to find silly self-portraits created by the authors. Keep checking back for updates, which will include book information, more blog content, and contests. Thank you.



  1. The Grand Tour by Frank Roger
  2. Saving God by Jay Wilburn
  3. How to Succeed in Academia by K. A. Laity
  4. Critical Thinking Skills by James W. Hritz
  5. The Unhappy Accident or Feelin’ Fine by T. Fox Dunham
  6. The Truth by Jonathan Balog
  7. You’re Toast by E.E. King
  8. The Joke’s on You by Philip Simondet
  9. It Takes Four to Tango by Mike Sheedy
  10. The Policy by Thomas Messina
  11. Riding by Aric Zair
  12. Corrective Action (or Illegal Discharge Legally Charged) by Tony Wayne Brown
  13. Dead Girls, Dying Girls by James Dorr
  14. Modern Science Has Yet to Find a Cure by Michael Lee Smith
  15. The Fountain of Relative Youth by Christian A. Larsen
  16. My Best Friend is a Robot by Brady Gerber
  17. Fido by James Wymore
  18. Responsibility is Key by Rachael Durbin
  19. Megastar Hopper by Sue Lange
  20. Dog. Girl. Armless Karaoke Maniac. by Joseph McKinley
  21. Nedserd by Eli Wilde
  22. A Tribute to Ernest Glipp by C. M. Chapman



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