


Tomorrow interview and reading. I refuse to take any Oxycontin tomorrow! My GPS is inhabited by a frustrated poet. It invents lodging with lovely, strange names,like “house underwater,” and Creekside inn,” and when you follow directions they end in the…

on the road

In spite of 110 degree heat Opening at the mystery and imagination was wonderful. So was the drive to Pacific Grove then root canal hit… 2 readings on oxycoton… I was afraid I’d go to sleep a slim liberal and…

Ancient Egyptian

“closed Heaven”— still possible to gain entry. Need someone to mummify you and a personalized copy of the Book of the Dead. You have three souls. The Ka, an exact replica of you, If your body is not correctly mummified,…

Dirk Review

MY FIRST BOOK REVIEW!!!!! Dirk Quigby’s Guide to the Afterlife: All You Need to Know to Choose the Right Heaven by E. E. King (Exterminating Angel Press, October 1, 2010) You know something’s up when the publisher has a name…

questions and quandaries

Should the devil have an Irish, Bronx, Southern, English or Indian Accent?  Should I have appropriate food for each afterlife at the readings? e.g. jello with additives and Martinelli’s for the Mormons, wafers and wine for the catholics  Twinkies deep-fried in…