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Daily Fiction from E.E. King

Subscribe and follow and get a story a day from author/painter E.E. King – Hooray!   Ways the World Might End – The Reiki Master   Sara had been born with cancer which had disfigured her face and distorted her…

The Weird West

Ponderosa Principia Third Flatiron’s Spring anthology, “Principia Ponderosa,” is now available on Amazon and free to Kindle Unlimited members. Flatiron’s anthologies are always packed with wonderful stories, stories that open corridors in your cerebral cortex revealing unimagined colors, scents and occasionally…


Paperback copies of One Hundred Voices Volume Two can now be pre-ordered – click on the link. Use my author discount code – it helps me and saves you 10%  Here it is:    100V2V70 My tale in there- The Cheddar Coast…

New Editions Available

New editions of Dirk Quigby’s Guide to the Afterlife And The short story Collection, Another Happy Ending !​ Available now- on sale on Kindle also – for Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos Ain’t Superstitious (Third Flatiron Anthologies) (Volume 13)


Be the change you want to see in the world – how many times have we heard that? But do I do that… well sometimes, but not enough – So, here is a list of things in no particular order…