The Weird West

Ponderosa Principia Third Flatiron’s Spring anthology, “Principia Ponderosa,” is now available on Amazon and free to Kindle Unlimited members.

Flatiron’s anthologies are always packed with wonderful stories, stories that open corridors in your cerebral cortex revealing unimagined colors, scents and occasionally a fart- well it IS the Ponderosa.

So if you’re looking for some quick tales of the Weird West – a place  with witches, monsters, gunmen, dragons, six-shooters and whiskey  you’ve found it.

It’s a place and time that never was, yet somehow we’re all nostalgic for it . A place and a time where Carmel -eating spiders roamed the Gobi, men said “Ayup,” and sweet women shot mean guns.

You don’t have to be a western fan to enjoy this book. I’m not. It’s for lovers of fantasy. It  gave me the odd, somehow comforting sensation of looking forward from an imaginary past into an equitable future , a future that rewards the virtuous and punishes the guilty. As always, I liked some tales more than others, I’m sure you’ll have your own favorites. That is the beauty of anthologies, they’re buffets for the mind. There’s enough diversity to satisfy the pickiest brain; humor, horror as well as useful advice for dealing with the space ship’s cat, gardening in a post- apocalyptic world and that abridged classic The Jpeg of Dorian Gray.


If you or someone you know would like a free copy to review on

Amazon or Goodreads, please let me know. I’d be happy to send one your way, not because I’m in this anthology – though  I have been honored to be in other FlatIrons – But because they do good work.

So pull off ‘yer boots, tie up Bucko, pour yurself an ol’ whiskey and enjoy a good read –



Principia Ponderosa (Third Flatiron Anthologies Book 18)

Welcome to the “Principia Ponderosa,” land of wide-open spaces and dark dreams. This new anthology from Third Flatiron features 17  stories that combine elements of the Western with other literary genres, including steampunk, fantasy, occult, and…





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