Category Uncategorized


  When green leaves turn to red and gold. When night winds blow secrets down deserted streets and the scent of burning fills the air – even in the city – you know that it’s the Bradbury time of year.…

Letter from Harlan Ellison –

HARLAN ELLISON Evie–as I gather from your site, those who do not incur your displeasure are permitted to call you–it was a sheer JacksonPollockLike panorama of delight to meet you at the Bradbury Library Press-Gang auto-da-fe last Monday. You omitted…

Speaking at

I will be speaking at Loscon 40 around Thanksgiving! On the Ardent Atheist podcast tomorrow On kryptonite radio (sometime:) and I’ll be in LA for a reading and launch party for my new Collection of Short Fiction “Another Happy Ending,”…